
An example of our latest veneers case

Patrick wanted to brighten his smile and stop the wear that was shortening his teeth. After orthodontics to fix a bite problem and some reshaping of the gum tissue surrounding his lower front teeth, he was ready for veneers. We chose to brighten his smile while keeping the look classic and natural.

Creating the perfect smile with porcelain veneers

Veneers are an ideal solution to a variety of dental conditions and a common alternative to crowns. Veneers are simply thin pieces of durable porcelain custom-designed to look like your own natural and healthy teeth.

Veneers are created in a dental laboratory to enhance the shape and color of your teeth, and are bonded onto the front of your teeth to give you back an attractive smile.”

Like most dental restorations, veneers are not completely permanent but are durable enough to last a long time before they are worn enough to need replacing.

Porcelain veneers are a fantastic solution for:

  • Crooked or misshapen teeth
  • Discolored or stained teeth
  • Teeth that look too small or large
  • Excess space
  • Uneven spacing
  • Worn or chipped teeth

Check out Bill's brighter smile!

Bill had tried all kinds of whitening products, but none could make his smile "pop" the way he wanted. We used porcelain veneers to brighten and broaden his smile to give it a bold and masculine appearance.

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Take a look at how we fixed the high-wear signs on Michaels teeth teeth

Michael was tired of the wear and tear on his front teeth over time. He decided to make a change, and what a difference his new porcelain veneers have made! His teeth are protected, and they look great, too!

Veneers Before and After Musselman Dentistry Phoenix

What to expect when getting your veneers at Musselman Dentistry

Dr. Musselman begins by lightly reshaping and buffing the surface of your affected teeth. Then a mold, or impression, will be taken of your teeth and sent to a laboratory, where your veneers will be custom-created to match the shape and color chosen by you and Dr. Musselman.

At your second visit, your teeth will be cleaned with a special solution to ensure a durable bond with your veneers. Bonding cement will be placed between the tooth and the veneer, and a special beam of light will help the cement harden and set.

Dr. Musselman gives Phoenix patients like you instructions for dental care after the application of veneers to ensure a durable and healthy bond. This includes regular brushing, flossing, and dental checkups to make sure your smile stays healthy a beautiful for years to come.

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Veneers 05 Before and After
Questions? Ready for an appointment? We're here to help!

Interested in the smile of your dreams? See what's possible at Musselman Dentistry



So many people choose to invest in cosmetic dentistry to enhance their smile and overall appearance, which can have a profound impact on their self-confidence and quality of life. A beautiful smile can boost self-esteem and make a positive impression in social and professional settings. Cosmetic dental treatments like veneers or teeth whitening can address issues such as discoloration, misalignment, chips, or gaps, providing a smile that aligns with their desired aesthetic goals. Ultimately, deciding to invest in your smile is about feeling happier and more comfortable in one's skin, which can translate to improved well-being and a more positive outlook on life.


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